It was refreshing to see a Princess movie where the Princess wasn't rushing to marry a Prince. Don't get me wrong, I love movies like Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. (I love Disney and Pixar in general, but that's not the point of this post). However, the central themes of those stories revolved around young girls who were in trouble and needed a man to save them. It's different in Brave. Merida wants a life of her own and doesn't want to be railroaded into getting married just because it's what everyone expects of her. The movie focused more on the relationship between Merida and her mother than her finding a man.
Of course, Frozen goes a step further. I think this is the first Princess movie I've ever seen where a main character actually SAYS a girl doesn't need a man to save her and maybe it's not a good idea to marry someone you just met. :-)