I’m too young to remember President Kennedy but old enough to remember Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King (and I was pretty young, so the memories are vague).
I live in an ideal area. I am about ten minutes from the nearest library, less than a mile from the nearest fire station, a couple of miles from the police station, about ten or 15 minutes from the beach, a couple of hours from the mountains and desert, ten minutes from the nearest shopping mall, within 20 minutes of an adult school, community college and university, 20 minutes from the airport and three blocks from the grocery store and drug store.
I’ve lived about 45 minutes south of Hollywood my whole life…Believe me, it’s overrated. Some of the history behind how the movie industry got started there in the late 30s/early 40s is interesting, but other than that…Blah. The insane traffic and ridiculous parking alone is enough to give me reason not to go out that way very often.
I love to read and have my nose stuck in a book as much as possible.
I love stuff from the 80s. I love shows like Quantum Leap, Murder She Wrote and Magnum P.I. I also love bands like Journey, REO, Styx, and Foreigner.
The Beatles are the first band I remember liking. I was pretty young, so the memories are vague, but I remember hearing their songs on the radio in the mid-60s and dancing around to them. I thought Paul McCartney was cute even at that young age. Hahaha.
I sing in choir at my church.
I have been going to my church for a little over ten years now.
We went on a family trip to Massachusetts in 1976 and were there for the Bicentennial. Some of the highlights for me were getting to see the Grand Canyon, the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, the Painted Desert, some Civil War battlefields in Virginia and Pennsylvania, the Statue of Liberty, Niagara Falls, the Liberty Bell and the Atlantic Ocean. There was other cool stuff, but that was what stood out for me.
Batman is my favorite comic book character.