Monday, March 30, 2015

Heidi and How to Marry a Millionaire

I watched a couple of old movies recently, Heidi starring Shirley Temple and How to Marry a Millionaire starring Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable and Lauren Bacall.

Heidi is one of my favorite books from my childhood, and the movie version with Shirley Temple is enjoyable. They do take some liberties with the plot from the book, but movies based on books rarely follow the story line closely.  The only change that bothers me is what they did with the Aunt Dete and Fraulein Rottenmeir characters.  These ladies are selfish and misguided in the book, but they are absolute monsters in the movie.  Overall the movie is good though, and the scenery is very nice.

How to Marry a Millionaire is amusing in a lot of ways.  Of course, the idea of women conniving to marry a rich guy probably doesn't go over well with feminists, but views were somewhat different when this movie was made.  (I'm not a hardcore feminist or anything, but I do not believe a woman has to be married to be happy, and I don't condone trying to trap someone into marriage to get their money).  Whatever the case, it is still entertaining, and I like old movies.  They do end up happy, which certainly won't always be the case when people are being manipulative. The ladies discover that marrying someone you love is more important than having big bucks.  They even find out one of these guys has more money than they realized.

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